This is not the place for people who are accustomed to first class hotels or who like to take cruises where most everything is provided. In particular, it is not for people who are accustomed to complaining when things are imperfect (ants, a mediocre breakfast, etc.). Thai natives do not tolerate confrontation; they are the sweetest, most loving people in the world, and will worry endlessly about one's welfare. But one needs to keep in mind that this and the other resorts on this secluded strip of beach were left without any income during the previous 2 and 1/2 years of Covid. They are now scratching out a living, and doing it with grace and charm, but it's also still a work in progress. My wife and I loved this island, but along with the recent ravages of the pandemic, it is a place that only received widespread electric about 7 years ago. Don't come here if you're seeking Miami or another resort city. Do come if you are still seeking adventure.