a come back to the hotel always with pleasure . But during this stay, I have left with pleasure.
Sad, but customer service became worst, than ever...
You can ask the employee of the reception to give you something from head pain and Elena, at your presence, will easily discuss almost, like a topic issue with the colleague, if she should give one tablet to you. Of course, it will be after long look and she will try to guess, if you are drank or maybe, just head deck. If ... from the first request, haven't paid attention to you and you have a chance to see her back, because its kind of normal behavior and non-respect from this employee. Just simply, you will see her back ans hear her silence... and she will be in quite to organize some documents without any reaction on you.
And in the morning, when NONE of ATMs in hotel function, other employee of reception will shrug shoulders and won't answer your question "what should i do now?"
Will be great, when administration will re-organize all duties at reception or to explain some meaning of customer service.