San Francisco is a vibrant cultural city with plenty of excellent things to do. Whether it’s hitting a club in the high-energy Mission District, shopping for vinyl in hippy Haight-Ashbury’s post-Beat wonderland, or just relaxing by the surf at the tranquil Ocean Beach, the Northern Californian city is bound to have something for everyone. After sunset, a mix of classic and modern things to do at night help you see the city in a different perspective.
First-time visitors eager to explore famous landmarks will find plenty to check off their bucket list. After all, San Francisco is a city where it’s possible to jog across the Golden Gate Bridge, take a trolley to Fisherman’s Wharf, tour Al Capone’s cell, and wander colourful alleys in Chinatown, all in one day. Thanks to its evolution from a hippies’ dream destination in ‘70s to the multicultural and LGBT-friendly city it is today, San Francisco will always be an attractive place to spend a holiday.
San Francisco: cosa fare e cosa vedere
Consigli e storie divertenti
10 cose da fare a San Francisco in un giorno
San Francisco è una delle città più importanti della California sia dal punto di vista economico che culturale. È un connubio perfetto di attrazioni turistiche, negozi e quartieri di tendenza, che ti permette di intraprendere un vero e proprio viaggio...
10 location di film a San Francisco
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10 cose da fare gratis a San Francisco
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12 cose da fare in coppia a San Francisco
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10 cose da fare in famiglia a San Francisco
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Nei dintorni di San Francisco
Whats Around Carousel
Muir Woods National Monument in San Francisco
USS Hornet - Sea, Air, and Space Museum in San Francisco