I had such a great experience at the Opera 9Hotel, I decided this hotel concept, price, comfort was perfect for me so I tried the Republique location. I was a little disappointed. This hotel was trying to be like the Opera district one, but fell short. The first room I was given was unacceptable although the picture on Expedia made me believe it would be the same as my prior 9Hotel experience. The breakfast was nice but not great as it was in the Opera district 9Hotel. They did change my room and it was much better but not nearly as good as my room and experience at the Opera district 9Hotel. The beds and bedding are exceptional which is very important, plus the fact that there is no carpet, but nice cleanable wood floors.
The bathrooms in Republique much smaller as the size of the bedrooms compared to the Opera district.
I will still be a patron of 9Hotel as it fits my lifestyle. I think I will just go back to the original, Opera district version. Staff in both hotels exceptional.